Element Groups

In: Data_base tree structure->FE Model->FE Properties

The window Element Groups can be started by a right-hand click on either EGROUPS or EGVARS item. The window has a list of defined element group sets in the left side of the window. The user can choose among them by a click. Only the integer options in the range given in the second column of the table are accepted. The meaning of the chosen option is copied to the status bar in the bottom of the window.

The EGROUPS data_vector contains ID-numbers and pointers to EGVARS data_vector of each element group set. The EGVARS data_vector contains all element options of element groups one after the another - the pointers in EGROUPS are the only guide, where to look for any particular element group set.

The File Recognition dialogue needn't to distinguish all the element types during the import or some other change can be necessary. The user can use then the Apply to set button, which triggers a new dialogue, where the user can select the element set to which he wants to apply it. This button is enabled only in the Edit mode.



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